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Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to keep cooling towers running strong

The cooling tower is the operational portal to the natural evaporative "heat sink" for a commercial or industrial cooling system. Its health, or lack thereof, can severely affect the cooling potential of your customer's hvac system.
Because the cooling tower is the open end of a cooling system, it has unique maintenance requirements. The most essential subsystems of a cooling tower are the air-flow, waterflow and structural elements.
Each has distinctive characteristics that must be reviewed, diagnosed and monitored on an ongoing basis to avoid operational problems. The most difficult of these would be the loss of the cooling tower fan at peak heat load, but smaller structural component problems can also lead to dramatic system failures.


The fan and its drive components (motor, gear reducer, driveshaft) are a tower's venting system. Inefficient airflow limits the ability to dissipate significant heat loads, and significant damage can occur without regular maintenance.
